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發(fā)布時間:2016/3/30 0:28:07文章來源:淘才招聘網(wǎng) rcxx.com瀏覽次數(shù):1034次




1. 熱愛生命科學研究,具有良好的溝通能力和團隊協(xié)作精神;

2. 具有較強的獨立工作能力,專業(yè)知識扎實,有一定相關學科背景(如細胞生物學、分子生物學、醫(yī)學,動物學等);信息源:免費招聘網(wǎng)_www.rcxx.com_淘才招聘網(wǎng)

3. 身心健康,能穩(wěn)定工作,可盡快到崗者優(yōu)先;

4. 博士學位;信息源:免費人才網(wǎng)_www.rcxx.com_淘才招聘網(wǎng)

5. 有良好的英文寫作及口頭交流能力。


1. 年齡小于35周歲(即1981年1月1日以后出生);

2. 須為在站博士后,或有博士后經(jīng)歷;

3. 以第一作者在本領域top 15%或影響因子大于5的sci刊物上發(fā)表至少1篇論文。


1. 在課題組長的指導下承擔科研任務,開展創(chuàng)新性科學研究。

2. 協(xié)助課題組長指導研究生及實驗室管理。







1. pan h, guan d, liu x, li j, wang l, wu j, zhou j, zhang w, ren r, zhang w, li y, yang j, hao y, yuan t, yuan g, wang h, ju z, mao z, li j, qu j*, tang f*, liu gh*.sirt6 safeguards human mesenchymal stem cells from oxidative stress by coactivating nrf2. cell res. 2016 jan 15. doi: 10.1038/cr.2016.4. [epub ahead of print](*corresponding author)

2. duan s, yuan g, liu x, ren r, li j, zhang w, wu j, xu x, fu l, li y, yang j, zhang w, bai r, yi f, suzuki k, gao h, esteban cr, zhang c, belmonte jc, chen z, wang x, jiang t, qu j*, tang f*, liu gh*. pten deficiency reprograms human neuralstem cells towards a glioblastoma stem cell-like phenotype. nat commun. 2015. (*corresponding author)

3. zhang w1, li j1, suzuki k1, qu j1, wang p, zhou j, liu x, ren r, xu x, ocampo a, yuan t, yang j, li y, shi l, guan d, pan h, duan s, ding z, li m, yi f, bai r, wang y, chen c, yang f, li x, wang z, aizawa e, goebl a, soligalla rd, reddy p, esteban cr, tang f, liu gh, belmonte jc. a werner syndrome stem cell model unveils heterochromatin alterations as a driver of human aging. science. 2015. apr 30. pii: aaa1356. (1equal contribution)

4. suzuki k1, yu c1, qu j1, li m1, yao x, yuan t, goebl a, tang s, ren r, aizawa e, zhang f, xu x, soligalla r, chen f, kim j, kim ny, liao hk, benner c, esteban cr, jin y, liu gh*, li y* , belmonte jc*. targeted gene correction in human disease-specific induced pluripotent stem cells minimally impacts whole-genome mutational load. cell stem cell. 2014. 2014; 15, 31–36. (1equal contribution)

5. liu gh1, suzuki k1, li m1, qu j1, montserrat n, tarantino c, gu y, yi f, xu x, zhang w, ruiz s, plongthongkum n, zhang k, masuda s, nivet e, tsunekawa y, soligalla r, goebl a, aizawa e, kim n, kim j, dubova i, li y, ren r, benner c, del sol a, bueren j, trujillo j, surralles j, esteban c, izpisua belmonte jc. modeling fanconi anemia pathogenesis and therapeutics using integration-free patient-derived ipscs. nat commun. 2014. doi: 10.1038/ncomms5330. (1equal contribution)

6. yang j1, cai n1, yi f1, liu gh*, qu j*, belmonte jc*. gating pluripotency via nuclear pores. trends mol med.2014. jan; 20(1):1-7. (*corresponding author)

7. liu gh1, qu j1, suzuki k1, nivet e, li m, montserrat n, yi f, xu x, ruiz s, zhang w, ren b, wagner u, kim a, li y, goebl a, kim j, soligalla r, dubova i, thompson j, yates jiii, esteban c, sancho-martinez i, belmonte jc. (2012) progressive degeneration of human neural stem cells caused by pathogenic lrrk2. nature, 2012. 491(7425):603-7.(1equal contribution)

8. liu gh1, suzuki k1, qu j1, sancho-martinez i, yi f, li m, kumar s, nivet e, kim j, soligalla rd, dubova i, goebl a, plongthongkum n, fung hl, zhang k, loring j, laurent l, and belmonte jc. targeted gene correction of laminopathy-associated lmna mutations in patient-specific ipscs. cell stem cell, 2011. 8(6):688-94. (1equal contribution).

9. qu j1, nakamura t1, cao g, mckercher s, lipton s. s-nitrosylation activates cdk5 and contributes to synaptic spine loss induced by β-amyloid peptide. proceedings of the national academy of sciences. 2011. 108(34):14330-5. (1equal contribution)

10. liu gh, barkho bz, ruiz s, diep d, qu j, yang sl, panopoulos ad, suzuki k, kurian l, walsh c, thompson j, boue s, fung hl, sancho-martinez i, zhang k, iii jy, belmonte jc. recapitulation of premature ageing with ipscs from hutchinson-gilford progeria syndrome. nature. 2011. 14;472: 221-5



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